David F. Head
Michigan Managing Partner
David Head joined our practice in May 2006, after 7.5 years in the Strategy and Operations practice of Deloitte Consulting LLP, where he forged a career managing large global cross-functional engagements. During his time at Deloitte, David managed the program offices for two of the largest financial restatements in US history – MCI and HealthSouth. He also created and managed the program office for the due diligence of the GM purchase of Daewoo's global assets – an exercise that was awarded "Asian Deal of the Year" by Corporate Finance Magazine.
David has 20 years of industry experience, mostly focusing in the manufacturing and automotive industry. Prior to joining Deloitte, David held global finance and planning positions for Visteon and the Ford Motor Company, working extensively planning the global production of automotive components in Europe, Asia, and Eastern Europe. David was also responsible for Competitive Intelligence and Benchmarking while at Visteon, and has been a panel member at the Frost and Sullivan annual Competitive Intelligence Conference.
David holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electro-Mechanical engineering from Aston University, UK. He obtained his Masters at Bradford University, also in the UK. David is a member of the City and Guilds Institute, London, UK.
